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Downstems are an essential part of bongs and one of the few pieces every bong needs in order to function properly. Any type of water pipe will need glass downstems, like a dab rig or anything that contains a water chamber. Downstems are similar to other glass accessories where it fits a certain type of water pipe or bong and serves specific functions, like the top where the bowl is located for holding legal dry herb and some downstems even serve as a water filtration step for an extra filtered bong rip. The types of downstems are available in different lengths and sizes depending on the bong it is paired with, and most importantly you should always browse the joint size of your favorite bongs prior to purchasing an intended downstem piece.
What is a downstem?
A downstem is the long tube that connects the bowl to the water chamber of a bong or dab rig. Downstems serve as a way to provide suction or the reaction you see in the main chamber of a bong or dab rig and is the reason the water starts to bubble when inhaling. The reason you are able to inhale the smoke contents of a bong rip is because of the downstem fusing the act of lighting a bowl in conjunction with your inhale. Without bong downstems, lighting up a bowl or inhaling to create a bubbling smoke reaction would be impossible to do.
It is important to note that downstems can only be used with bongs and dab rigs that have a female joint. Bongs and dab rigs are considered to have a female joint when bong accessories and pieces need to be inserted. Downstems will not work on male joints because of the downstem needing to be inserted into the hole. Most dab rigs products shown are male and most bongs are female
Downstems and bowls
Depending on the joint sizes of your favorite bongs, glass downstems and bowls come in various lengths, sizes, and styles that may or may not be compatible with your bong or dab rig purchase. User-submitted reviews found that asking the following questions prior to purchasing a bong stem will help to potentially save time and money without taking the risk on quality on a bowl piece that might not work for you.
Downstem sizing
The size and length of your downstem matters as it is related to the compatibility style of your bong. Downstems are available in the following sizes and lengths:
- 10mm joint
- 14mm joint
- 18mm joint
Instead of looking up videos on measuring joint size, grab some loose change from your last fast food run and use them for reference. A dime, for instance, will tell you all you need to know. If a dime is the exact size of your bong’s joint, that means it is a standard 14mm joint. If the joint size is bigger than a dime, that means it is an 18mm joint. If the dime is bigger than the joint size, you have a 10mm joint size bong. This will definitely help you to quickly and efficiently measure the length before you start to shop for around. The size downstem very much matters but the type of downstems once you get the joint size down is your preference and completely up to you.

Types of downstems for sale
While there are different types of downstems available, as a customer you should do your research on which types of downstems will give you the best personal experiences based on what you are looking for. Are you interested in style or trying to scope out deals instead of snagging some new releases? When shopping for cool dab rigs you’ll want to be aware of the following types of downstems for sale. This is especially important because if you do not plan on buying more accessories for your bong, you will want to factor this into your decision. As a customer, you have the right to have requirements of what you are looking for in a bong or other water pipe. Knowledge is power so you can make the right buying decision!
Fixed downstems
There are a few types of downstems, and the first is what is referred to as a fixed downstem. A fixed downstem is when the downstem is attached to the bong or dab rig chamber. While this can be convenient if you are used to needing devices that have little hardware - this is especially true for clumsy related stoners that have dropped a bong or two because of a loose piece rather than an air tight seal the way a fixed downstem has being permanently attached to the water chamber.
Take into account that cleaning fixed downstems usually becomes an issue because users tend to forget about the bacteria that can fill up in the small corners, especially over time. Cleaning the bong or dab rig regularly is very important as you are taking your own risk building up more bacteria that is hard to remove later on and might not necessarily eliminate all bacteria if not maintained properly.
Removable downstems
The second type of downstem is called a removable downstem. As you might be able to guess, a removable downstem means you are able to remove and replace the downstem as it does not have an air tight seal and can switch between other compatible bongs or dab rigs. Removable downstems tend to be easier to deal with as you have a better way to navigate the cleaning process. Simply remove the downstem and the cleaning process is fairly simple if you take so much care of your downstem. It is recommended to clean your downstems every week if getting daily use and consuming vaporized substances often.
Diffuser downstems
A diffuser downstem can be either a fixed or removable downstem, and what makes it a diffuser downstem are the slits at the bottom of the diffuser on the opposite end of where the bowl is located. It is not necessarily shared or talked about much, but diffuser downstems filter and cool the smoke and is a very popular style of downstem. A diffuser downstem can create a ton of bubbles measuring more activity than a downstem that does not have a diffuser device at the end of it. Bubbles do not necessarily mean full filtration but it shows that something is brewing up and it is most likely a clear and thick cloud of smoke. Since no one cares for the aesthetics of the bowl piece and lighting it up, the bubbles help add effect to the smoke show.

Downstem FAQ
Learning more about downstems are an essential part of understanding how it works as a whole in the process of taking a bong rip. Here are a few common or frequently asked questions regarding bong downstems prior to buying one for your new or existing bong setup.
Can you buy replacement downstems?
Of course downstems can be replaced, but only removable downstems can be replaced since they are able to be removed from the bong. A fixed downstem is unable to be removed so if this breaks you will have to replace the entire bong in itself since it was meant to be permanently attached. This is why a removable version is preferred over a fixed version because of the simple fact that if one part of the bong breaks, does that mean you need to throw the entire thing away? If it has fixed hardware and accessories then the answer is yes, but if it has the ability to be removed then feel free to replace it with any other compatible version.
How much do downstems usually cost?
The average cost of a glass downstem as a separate piece can cost anywhere between $7 to $15. Metal downstems can cost on the upwards scale, however most downstems these days are glass downstems as they are healthier to inhale from and are an overall better fit with existing glass hardware. The cost of downstems show how easy and attainable they are to get, but you will want to invest in the ones you specifically find useful to you and the way you smoke. Just because you see a sign to buy a downstem does not mean you should and especially if the price is cheap. Stick with what you know and understand that while downstems all serve the same purpose, there are certain ones that leave users more satisfied so take that as a sign if you have a good experience with a specific type and style of the glass product.
How do you measure downstem length?
To accurately measure the length of a glass downstem, you will need a pencil or something similar that can fit into the joint for measuring. You will need to insert the pencil until it hits the bottom of the water chamber, and mark the area where it meets the joint size. This will provide the length of your downstem and combined with the dime trick you can determine joint size easily too.
How to clean a downstem
There is no specific way to clean a downstem as you can pretty much use remnants of your bong cleaner to sterilize and clear out any residue or toxins found during the cleaning process. Knowing how to clean a downstem means knowing how to clean a bong or dab rig so make sure you have your supplies like isopropyl alcohol, coarse salt, plastic bags, and specifically scrubbing tools for the small parts that include the downstem.
Cleaning a downstem involves paying attention to the little corners that connect with other pieces of glass, and using something like a metal straw cleaning brush might help get in the places that need more scrubbing than others. Cleaning a downstem is essential because you will want to keep this piece clear of any built up residue since this is what connects the two other most important parts of a bong. Scrubbing a glass downstem takes a lot of patience and precision so you do not risk breaking any part of the glass while doing so. Cleaning all of your bud smoking accessories is extremely important because the bacteria that can accumulate within water pipes can produce some gnarly diseases and health issues if used regularly and experiencing that type of inhale with toxins or mold present. Anything with water will experience a build up of mold and bacteria over time so make sure to regularly dump out, clean, and change your downstems so you can have the best customer experience possible.
Best downstems near me
If you are wondering, “where are the best downstems near me?” you will probably find more success ordering the exact product shown online versus taking a risk going to a nearby store with a limited inventory or supply of what you could easily shop for online through a website. Going online through a website provides so much convenience and access to tons of sales that are not otherwise available at brick and mortar stores that offer different discounts in-person instead of online. Comments from reviewed affiliates that are very familiar with downstems show that the best variety to purchase comes from an online headshop. From a customer standpoint, most prefer to shop online anyway for the simple ability to be a customer and purchase in the comfort of their own homes. You do not need to go to a nearby store to get good deals on sale price.
The price of downstems bought through a website or online headshop offer a discount in itself to users because of the vast selection and length of inventory that a website is able to offer instead. Glass downstems are usually included in new bong purchases which also normally come with free shipping so the benefits to ordering online are immense. You never know what you might find online so make sure to subscribe for a possible coupon code alert and free shipping when the right moment strikes.