Dab Tools
11 products
Showing 1 - 11 of 11 products
What is a metal dab tool?
Metal dab tools are made of a durable material and pretty much the only tool that can handle concentrates when it is in the sticky stage from the heat. Handling concentrates can become very difficult once the heat hits the quartz banger, and in order to get the best flavor you must make sure you are properly handling your concentrates. Dabber tools are especially helpful because you can always rely on handling your setup regardless of the heat stage it is in. A water pipe or dab rigs can get pretty hot so handling with care is always important to remember.
One thing to note is that if you leave a metal dab tool on your dab rig for too long, it can also heat up and become hot so that is one thing you must pay attention to when working with this type of dabber tools. If this happens and a metal dabbing tool is left on your water pipe for too long, your dabs might not have the best flavor if metal mixes into your dabs and changes the taste.
What is a glass dab tool?
A glass dab tool is the same as a metal dab tool, but of course made out of glass material. The glass dab tool will always be made with heat resistant glass which also makes it the right tool for all dab rigs, especially since materials like metal or titanium can get hot fairly quickly if in contact with a banger or domeless nail.
Using a glass dab tool or a titanium dab tool will prevent any materials from mixing in with your dabs so the best flavor will pull through. Glass tools can break, however, and metal and titanium are really the only materials that are unable to break the way other materials can.
Quartz and ceramic dab tools
Other kinds of materials that are most helpful as dab tools are made of quartz or ceramic, and similar to glass they are heat resistant and retain heat very well. However, it is important to note that unlike metal dabbing tools, quartz and ceramic dab tools can definitely break and crack with too much heat and pressure so something to be aware of in your dab tool search. A quartz and ceramic dabbing tool makes for an amazing aesthetic moment so that is a pro in the dab accessories debate if needing it for that purpose. E nails, for instance, love a quartz and ceramic dab accessories moment so when handling e nails that can be something to consider.
How to use a dab tool
Dab tools, or dabbers, are used at the stage of the dabbing process where handling wax concentrates occurs. Dabber tools can handle other oil and resin materials, basically anything that is sticky or in crumbles because a dab tool will help facilitate the heating process that melts those concentrates into a suitable dab that can turn into a vaporized hit. There are different ways to use the different dab tools but essentially there is a part in the process that is made just for them to shine. Dabber tools are great for when things are hot, while carb caps are incredible for really amplifying the airflow of your hits to send it home for inhalation.
Types of dabbing tools
There are different types of dabbing tools that come in all shapes, sizes and styles and there are certain ones you should use depending on what kind of material you are using. The most popular tool that comes to mind is the dabber tool because it sounds just like dabbing tools although dabbing tools refer to more than one type of tool that pertains to the art of dabbing. The good thing about dab tools is that they are pretty cost effective and within budget!
Dabber tool
A dabber tool is what most people think of when thinking “dab tool” and this is the pointy and sharp tool that is used to scoop out your wax and onto the banger or nail. A dabber tool can have so many different variations of it, including a double-sided dabber tool, one-ended dabber tool, and so on. One side can be pointed and features a tip while the other can have a scoop shape for bit easier wax handling. Dabber tools can confuse many because there are different types of tools just for this type of dabbing tool that is a dabber tool. Is that not confusing? We think so too, but hoping to reverse that confusion with an in-depth list of the different types of dabbing tools you can find and for what purpose. A dabber tool is used for one specific process of the dabbing experience, while dabbing tools refer to any type of tool you use for dabbing, including a butane torch.
Banger nails
Banger nails, or bangers, are what you will place your weed wax on. A butane torch is taken prior to placing your wax onto the banger nail and is heated until reached the desired temperature. After waiting a few moments you can then place your oil concentrates onto the banger nail and use carb caps to help control the dab rig’s airflow. Banger nails can come in a variety of materials, like a quartz banger nail, ceramic banger nail, glass banger nail, titanium banger nail, and so on.
A dab nail is the same as a banger nail but the design might change a bit. Essentially, you just drop the wax into the heated up nail and you can cover it with a carb cap or cover it with a dome to help contribute to better airflow. It can be quite confusing to know the difference between a banger nail and a regular dab nail but there is not much difference beyond subtle shape changes so just do a quick search and see which one would work better for you if you need an easy way to decide on the accessories you are trying to shop for.
Nectar Collector
A nectar collector is a very easy and convenient way to dab concentrates. A nectar collector features a tip that is normally made out of titanium as it is heat resistant. Using a torch, lighting up the nectar collector’s tip will make it hot and able to dip directly into any wax container and take your dab directly. In simpler search terms, nectar collectors are pretty much a dab rig that is much smaller and could even be considered a mini dab rig. Nectar collectors are extremely popular because of its convenience and downsizing your dab rig setup with less supplies. If you are in need of a dab setup that does not require a handful of supplies, nectar collectors are your best bet as all you need is that and a blowtorch plus your weed wax and you are ready to roll, or dab is more like it.
Carb caps
Using carb caps in conjunction with other dabbing tools just helps to perfect any airflow and evenly distribute airflow throughout the hot wax. Domeless nails need carb caps usually because if you want to improve airflow on a domeless nail that is your quickest solution combined with dab nails. Carb caps handle concentrate very easily and facilitate full flavored dabs. Carb caps have unique shapes to them so as a customer you can choose your vibe and features that will fit best with your aesthetic. Dabbers love a self expressive moment so curate a dabbing tool collection for yourself to really let that big dab energy shine through.
Can you use a silicone dab tool?
There are silicone options out there for dab accessories but they are obviously not the best when it comes to quality and functionality. While silicone is heat resistant, similar to metal it can give off some not so friendly toxins that can interfere with the full taste and flavor of the dab hit. Silicone dab accessories are extremely cost efficient since it does not take much to make a silicone dab accessory, but be aware of the health factors that can be attached to using silicone and consuming that type of material.
Can you dab without a tool?
You can always get by on the fly if you do not have the proper dab accessories needed to have a perfect dab sesh. You can still aim for an epic dab session nonetheless, and that is by using makeshift supplies when you are in a pinch. It is suggested that you only do this in a pinch because the longevity of using these supplies are very short and you will need to invest in some proper dab accessories at some point anyway if you are taking dabbing seriously.
Using anything pointy like a paper clip, butter knife, etc. will get the job done. If it is made of metal and other relatable and similar materials to a typical dab accessory, you can most likely use it. The point of using a makeshift tool is to demonstrate how important it is to have these types of accessories because you never know how badly you need it until you experience that moment where you are in need.
Other types of tools like a carb cap might be a bit harder to imitate and find a substitute for, but the point is proven that dabbing tools are extremely important and inevitable if you are a dab enthusiast. If you do not know whether you are a dab enthusiast - if you intend to purchase products to try out a new setup, you are a dab enthusiast. And welcome to the club, it is wonderful here!
Dab tools for sale
If you have multiple water pipes or dab rigs, you will need multiple dab tools so it is time to search for the perfect dabbing tool for your needs. There is no such thing as too many dab tools as you can constantly keep them in rotation and use specific dab tools for certain materials. For instance, do you prefer to use your favorite glass dab tool when handling your dab rigs that have domeless nails? Or do you prefer a nectar collector with the tip feature so that you can directly dip into your wax container. Dab tools help to perfect your dab sessions and it will streamline your ability to prep and dab as quickly as possible. Most stoners purchase a dabbing tool because they find that the flavor, cleanup and overall experience make a huge difference when handling oils and concentrate so take this into account when deciding if a dabbing tool is right for you - the answer is probably yes!
If you are just entering into the dabbing world and want to dabble with a dabbing tool or two, focusing on banger nails, dabber tool and carb cap combination. No need to sacrifice those precious fingers of yours and using a dabbing tool most definitely helps with conserving weed material and not making a mess. Allotting some money out of your budget to get a dabbing tool or two is one of the best things you can do for your concentrate stash so you can get the most out of it rather than spilling it everywhere and wasting it.
What is dub tool?
A dab tool is a small tool that is used to help placate your concentrate when dabbing. Due to the high temps used when dabbing, dab tools are used to move around your concentrate for better vaporization.
How to use a dab tool?
To use a dab tool, you'll first need a banger and dab rig. To use your dab tool, simply move the concentrate around in your banger so it vaporizes correctly.
What kinds of dub tools do you have?
We carry many different types of dab tools. Dab tools are primarily made of high heat durable metal, you can pick a dab tool that looks cool and is unique to you.